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This page provides brief project descriptions, informing viewers of projects that are envisioned and other projects that are already underway. All of the projects are designed to raise the spiritual consciousness of large numbers of people or to transform societal paradigms, understandings, structures and behaviors in ways that will uplift humanity. All are intended to provide a high degree of transformation, based on a relatively low outlay of time and resources. The details of how and why we perceive these projects to have great potential for benefiting humanity are also provided. New projects are occasionally added and news about how projects are proceeding is provided. An updated version of the Project List is provided at the bottom of this page and is also available as a PDF via the below link.  



Disseminating Healing and Transformational Vibrations  -  All aspects of phenomenal reality are based on three things: vibrational patterns, energy, and consciousness. Human beings are multi-level and multi-dimensional beings. The conscious use of vibrations can be useful for healing and transformation at many levels, especially at the level of the human energy field and the human energy centers known as the chakras. An initial project is underway to develop, disseminate and conduct ongoing evaluation of specifically programmed and highly charged quartz crystals for the healing and transformation of certain aspects of the human energy field and chakras. This project is being done via the model of an entrepreneurial business, with a strong research component, dedicated to healing and transforming energetic disruptions in the human energy field. More information on the tools that are emerging from this endeavor and how to utilize those tools is available at:

The Compass of Consciousness

The compass is a powerful tool, providing new paradigms and insights that help individuals more clearly see the full potential of themselves and others. To uplift even one person, benefits and uplifts all of humanity and the planet. It is our goal to disseminate this compass to millions of people during 2012.Please share it, post it, email it and print it.   So that parents will put it on their refrigerators, teachers will place it on the classroom walls, and business people, congressmen and congresswomen will have it on their desks.It will make a difference!

For the Compass of Consciousness with a 4 page tutorial - Click below.        



Project 1 - Disseminating the Spreadsheet of Consciousness 

1a Accomplish widespread and rapid dissemination of the Spreadsheet of Consciousness via social media and produce and upload relevant tutorials for how to use it, via Youtube videos. The perspective and understanding that it brings is transformative. Bringing it into public consciousness is one of the most inexpensive and effective ways of raising human consciousness. 

1b Produce and market video tutorials, printed training materials, magnetic hanging copies, large copies, and laminated copies of the Spreadsheet of Consciousness on a global basis, as a means of raising income for the other projects mentioned herein. (Digital versions will continue to be distributed for free, for individuals to print their own copies for their own personal use or to give away free of charge to others. Individuals are not allowed to charge for any copies that they make or give away. No one may copy and use the spreadsheet as part of a business endeavor, without permission of the author/developer.) 

Project 2 - Nurturing the Transformation of Human Consciousness and Social Transformation   

Contribute talent, time and resources to the establishment and operation of the Orders of Magnitude Institute for the identification and nurture of orders of magnitude shifts of human consciousness and the transformation of human society. This institute will serve as a clearing house and offer ongoing support for ideas, talents, resources and funds to come together. It will also serve as an incubator for high potential projects. 

2a Assist with governance, organizational framework, and legal issues.  

2b Assist with fund-raising, finance, accounting and proposal-writing to fund the institute and its projects. Identify individuals and organizations who might serve as major donors, make contact, present what we are doing, and ask for support. 

2c Assist with information technology, social media and data. 

2d Assist with marketing, promotion and audio and video media for the organization and its projects.

2e Assist with specific projects. 

2f Assist with communications and public relations. 

Project 3 - Facilitating Consciousness Raising Events   Prepare and host two major events (one national and the other international) in 2012 for raising human consciousness and transforming society. 

Project 4 Enriching Society via the Widespread Acceptance of the Use of Psychic Capabilities 

Psychic abilities are based on the connected, unified, holographic nature of existence. They offer great benefit, when used in a highly professional manner to serve the highest good, for the uplift of individuals, groups and the whole of humanity. To not fully utilize them, is like choosing to not use one’s senses of sight, touch, or hearing. They provide valuable insight and information, which contribute to greater understanding. Using these abilities and bringing them into the mainstream of human life and awareness cultivates a deeper and broader understanding across the whole society of the essential underlying unity and oneness of all that is. When governments, businesses, groups and individuals, realize that we are all one and that all that takes place is like an open book to those who are capable of reading it, they will begin to make more decisions that are for the greater good of all. 

4.a Contribute to the creation of a series of high profile radio, TV, and Webinar presentations that bring to light the valuable contributions that a broader use of psychic abilities can bring to our society. 

4.b Participate in the implementation of surveys and the development of a database, enabling a compilation and analysis of the nation’s wealth of psychic abilities. The goal would be to identify the range of psychic abilities, determine which are most rare and unique and which are most common, determine the range and degree of accuracy and consistency across and between those with various psychic abilities, and compile a directory of highly qualified practitioners and capabilities. Form a special arm that offers a very high level of psychic consulting services to our social institutions. 

4.c Begin implementing and promoting the introduction and implementation of psychic capabilities in the mainstream of human endeavors (business, health, medicine, psychology, education, agriculture, science research and development and all levels of planning, management, and decision-making). This would be done through targeted high profile projects designed to demonstrate certain capabilities and the benefits that arise from them. 

4 d Spin-off consulting services enterprises to do work in specific areas of human enterprise. 

Project 5 - Focused Energy Work to Heal, Enhance and Support Human Life

The goal is to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of energy work, intuition, and psychic capabilities for mitigating or improving physical, emotional and mental impairments. The premise is that energy workers and intuitives will come together and focus their unique capabilities in a series of special projects to demonstrate the efficacy of this approach. Potential projects include working with specific groups of adults (i.e., those with depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and post traumatic stress disorder), helping groups of children with emotional and mental dysfunctions, or perhaps even focusing on helping groups of children of very high spiritual consciousness, who are having trouble adjusting to living in this world. One of the goals would be to do before and after measurements of selected groups to see what benefits have been achieved over a period of time. A detailed proposal for a healing study has been written for this project 

Project 6 - Introducing A Culture of Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health in the Workplace Introduce an employee improvement package of 6 major life transforming and consciousness raising practices to the human resources departments of businesses. From the business perspective, businesses make gains in performance enhancement, communications improvement, morale improvement, stress reduction, and employee wellness. From the perspective of raising human spiritual consciousness, these practices simultaneously do that, gently and unobtrusively raising the consciousness of those who participate. A side benefit is that when these techniques are learned, they may then be used to improve mental and emotional health in the home, which in turn brings greater mental and emotional health to the workplace. These practices focus on: 

1) removing stress and negative emotions 

2) identifying, changing and/or removing the erroneous and limiting beliefs, which are the root cause of much stress and negative emotions. 

3) providing highly effective means for people to perceive when they are in a negative state of mind and shift into a more positive state of mind. 

4) re-energizing and harmonizing mind, emotions and body. 

5) easily entering/experiencing a higher level of clarity/mindfulness in one’s daily life. Introducing the following techniques should result in significant and perceptible improvements. 

These techniques are as follows: 

• Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a highly effective acupressure tapping technique for quickly releasing stress and emotional negativity. 

• Spreadsheet of Consciousness reframing technique helps individuals and groups quickly shift to more positive states of mind. 

• “The Work” is a technique (based on 5 simple questions) for identifying, changing, and/or releasing erroneous and limiting beliefs, which releases tension and negativity and brings people into a more positive state of mind. 

• Core Transformation is a simple contemplative technique for releasing a wide range of negativity, enabling one to shift to much more positive states of mind. 

• Energy Recharge is a simple meditation for calming and re-energizing. 

• Clarity Technique – Many brief moments of clarity/awareness/stillness/higher mind, repeated frequently, enable one to experience such moments with greater frequency and for longer periods. 

Project 7 - JOY SONG   The purpose of JOY SONG is to raise the spiritual consciousness of humanity. It will accomplish this by establishing and funding youth programs with the following components: 

• Instilling greater awareness of Divinity; through joyful and uplifting spiritual music and song; via youth choirs, pageants and celebrations, thereby opening the human heart and mind, of the participants and the listeners to the Divine; 

• Providing rich opportunities for teamwork, solo performance, self-confidence, leadership, communication, service and harmonious interaction; and ministering to the “whole person” of those who participate with opportunities for fun, food, and play; 

• Providing all children who participate, the workers/helpers, and the children’s parents, with highly effective, age appropriate spiritual practices and techniques for reducing negativity and increasing awareness of that which is higher. 

• Facilitate higher levels of social, emotional and spiritual health/growth/interaction through the presence of spiritual intuitive healers, spiritual teachers; and spiritual clairvoyants, who are present to observe, facilitate, and gently guide all who participate toward that which is fulfilling for each individual and for the group; 

• Nurturing a culture of being of service to one’s family, friends, community, humanity and the Earth, giving gifts of time, resources and talents to uplift others, with deep reverence and awareness of the ONE DIVINE PRESENCE within every Gift, Giver and Receiver. 

Joy Song’s ultimate goal is to provide a very high level of continuous nurture to a new generation of spiritually aware human beings, who are growing, loving, and recognizing DIVINTY in themselves and in others; and creatively serving, working and living together at ever higher levels of consciousness. All of the above will be implemented with creativity, joy, love, kindness, appreciation and a deep awareness of overflowing abundance. A more detailed description of this project exists. 

Project 8 – Vibrational Tools for Healing and Transformation    All aspects of phenomenal reality are based on three things: vibrational patterns, energy, and consciousness. Human beings are multi-level and multi-dimensional beings. The conscious use of vibrations can be useful for healing and transformation at many levels, especially at the level of the human energy field and the human energy centers known as the chakras. An initial project is underway to develop, disseminate and conduct ongoing evaluation of specifically programmed and highly charged quartz crystals for the healing and transformation of certain aspects of the human energy field and chakras. This project is being done via the model of an entrepreneurial business, with a strong research component, dedicated to healing and transforming energetic disruptions in the human energy field. More information on the tools that are emerging from this endeavor and how to utilize those tools is available at 

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