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For a PDF of the Vision Statement, click on the following link. 



INTRODUCTION - This document provides a vision of a great transformation of human spiritual consciousness, resulting in great positive transformations in every area of human life and endeavor. It also provides important insights for the manifestation of this vision. The vision is to bring together people who are at a high level of consciousness, with the right mix of complementary capabilities and resources, help them identify great opportunities to change society for the better, and give them ongoing support, communication and guidance as they join together to manifest orders of magnitude transformations in the world around them.

The vision expressed is based on the following premises:
• A major transformation of human spiritual consciousness appears to be underway and appears to be accelerating.
• Great opportunities (more so than ever before) are emerging for people of high spiritual consciousness to play a major role, as fully engaged, conscious facilitators of this transformation, as it extends into every area of human life and society.
• People of high spiritual consciousness can accomplish much greater good by working together, sharing ideas, capabilities, talents, skills and resources, than by working separately.
• This is the time for people of high spiritual consciousness to join together, stepping forward to vision, plan, and implement the bright, new projects and endeavors that will bring great benefit to humanity.
• It is time for an organization or organizations to emerge, dedicated to providing conscious leadership, nurture, communication, guidance, support, coordination and implementation of the vision as it manifests in the many new endeavors that will bring orders of magnitude transformation into every aspect of human life and experience.

A DETAILED LOOK AT THE VISION - The level of human spiritual consciousness, after many years of incremental growth, has now started rising at an accelerating pace. As the rate of change increases it will have a great transforming impact on human life and society. By “Level of human spiritual consciousness” we refer to the degree or level of awareness of the essential and indivisible unity, harmony, and oneness of all that is.

The different levels of this awareness range from a bright state of crystal-clarity, to almost no awareness at all, such that one perceives only darkness, separation and disharmony in every area of life. Those with a clear, bright awareness of the essential unity, harmony and oneness have access to the all-pervasive field of intelligent consciousness that extends far beyond the limits of the physical human body, brain and nervous system; providing them with great insight, foresight, inspiration, and depth and breadth of understanding. To personally experience this and to share it with others has a tremendous capacity for transforming every aspect of human life; spiritual, social, and material.

The world looks very different as perceived through the lens of each different level of spiritual consciousness. Most people perceive themselves and the world around them from the level of spiritual consciousness at which they currently are. Only a small percentage of people can perceive and understand across the whole spectrum of consciousness. Based on one’s level of spiritual consciousness, one makes entirely different interpretations of events, perceives entirely different opportunities, makes entirely different choices and takes entirely different actions than one would if one were perceiving life from a different level of spiritual consciousness.

People tend to group together with those who are at a similar level of consciousness and therefore they see the world the same way as others who are in the same group and at the same level. There is also an overall level of human consciousness, which is the composite collective consciousness of all human beings. This composite collective consciousness is far higher than the level of those with the lowest levels of consciousness and is far lower than the individuals with the highest levels of consciousness.

For much of human history, the composite collective level of consciousness of humanity has been at a relatively low level, leading to choices and actions that have resulted in experiences of conflict, scarcity, and suffering. All of human consciousness is connected, so that when even one person, such as Christ or the Buddha, expresses a much higher level of spiritual consciousness than the collective, this has a powerful influence upon the whole of humanity. The powerful influence of such a person ripples forth over the course of time, across many generations, gradually raising the spiritual consciousness of the collective. So how much greater, brighter, and swifter might the transformation be if there were hundreds, thousands, or millions of people of very high spiritual consciousness upon the Earth at the same time?

To anyone who is aware of history, it is clear that the composite level of human spiritual consciousness has increased from where it was 2000 years ago. It is also clear that it has increased relatively rapidly in the last 200 years, even more in the past 50 years, and is increasing even more rapidly right now. Laws against slavery, the right for women to vote, the fall of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union; growing emphasis regarding civil rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, workers rights, and human rights; the election of the first Afro-American President of the Unites States; and the collapse of oppressive dictatorships throughout the Middle East are a few examples that much transformation has taken place.

Yoga and meditation centers are plentiful and have become generally accepted in western culture. Much transformation is taking place at this very moment. Who would have imagined 50 years ago that there would be people such as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Michael Beckwith, David Hawkins, Byron Katie, Marianne Williamson and many others teaching and modeling how to live life at a higher level? Who would have imagined 50 years ago that a rich, powerful, insightful woman of high spiritual consciousness (Oprah Winfrey) would fund the broadcast of a series of interviews with a spiritual teacher (Eckhart Tolle), to millions over the internet, for the purpose of communicating knowledge about enlightenment far and wide?

Due to modern media and the internet, the highest spiritual teachings are available and rippling forth to a far greater degree than ever before. The number of awakened spiritual teachers on the planet is growing at a rapid pace. They are illuminating others. As a result, the number of people experiencing great transformations of consciousness is greatly increasing. As individuals experience transformation, many of them are stepping forth and living their lives at a very high level of spiritual consciousness. More and more people are turning away from traditional religion, in search of a broader more inclusive experience of spirituality.

It may be that the sheer volume of spiritual knowledge has reached a critical threshold and is naturally bringing humanity into a great awakening. Some may say that angels and ascended masters are transmitting great spiritual energy to humanity at this point in time or that human consciousness is shifting due to the alignment of the stars. Others may say that many highly developed spiritual beings have chosen to incarnate upon the Earth at this point in time for the purpose of bringing about a great transformation. Whatever the effective factors are, it is clear that a great transformation is taking place and that the spiritual consciousness of the whole of humanity is going higher. The rate of acceleration is so rapid that it appears to be moving on an exponential curve, with the potential to soon be shooting nearly straight up.

As the level of human consciousness rises, it will be reflected in changes in every aspect of human life and endeavor. Business, economic, and financial patterns will transform, along with government, law, agriculture, industry, manufacturing, energy, human health and medicine. It will also express outwardly through great changes in basic beliefs, and patterns of cultural interaction, religion and spirituality, education, and child-rearing. The degree of transformation will not be small in any of these areas, but will be measured in orders of magnitude, comparable to the degree of shift that took place over the last 200 years, with the discovery of how to use electrical energy (for light, heat, refrigeration, power tools and appliances, electronic communications and computing) and also comparable to the degree of shift that took place in almost every area of human endeavor over the last 50 years with the advent of computers and microchip technology. The ascension of human consciousness will result in a great transformation in all areas of human life within the next 5 – 10 years, followed by changes of even greater scale in the next 25 years. Much transformation that is pivotal and seminal to the future good of humanity will take place in the next 2 - 3 years.

As this manifests, there will be great opportunities for people with a high level of spiritual consciousness to step forward as leaders and innovators, to bring transformation into the many different facets of our society. They will radiate divine love, insight, guidance, and power into all of life’s endeavors and this will greatly change all of human experience. There will be a much greater openness, awareness and honoring of the spiritual in every aspect of human activity. This increased awareness of the spiritual will not be an increase of religion, religiosity, or religious belief, traditions, rituals, institutions or authorities into secular life. (There is a vast difference between religion/religiosity and that which is spiritual). The spirituality of which we speak is simply a greatly increased openness to the awareness of the all encompassing spiritual dimensions in every aspect of life. It includes a keen awareness that what conventional human consciousness perceives as the physical/secular world is not separate from the spiritual dimensions, but that all life, physical being and consciousness is an intrinsic and inseparable aspect and out-flowing expression of the spiritual.

Merely standing back and allowing those of lesser consciousness to attempt to shape a new humanity in their image is not an acceptable option. Humanity has already experienced having leaders who are at lower levels of consciousness and has found it not to be beneficial, harmonious, or effective. Much of what is disharmonious in the current world order stems from the insane and false belief that some human activities can and should be treated as standing on their own, separate from spiritual awareness. To move beyond duality; to achieve “unity consciousness,” requires bringing awareness of the spiritual into every area of life. To accomplish this, requires not hiding or suppressing spiritual insights, but a free and open expression of the spiritual in every area of life.

For fullest transformation to take place, it is necessary for those of high spiritual consciousness to fully speak their truth and step forward in creative manifestation of that which they envision and of which they speak. It is necessary for them to model in their actions that which they envision and speak. It is the active modeling of new forms of interactions, structures, processes and relationships that will show the rest of humanity the value and validity of what we envision and speak.

The primary hallmark of the new age, which we are entering, will be a state of unity consciousness where a significant percentage of human beings (far more than now) are continuously aware of the divine nature of themselves and others and of the all embracing, overarching and underlying UNITY and ONENESS of all that exists. A large percentage of people will be operating at the level of LOVE. Many will be operating at the level of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. A growing percentage of people will be operating at the level of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and even at higher levels of ENLIGHTENMENT CONSCIOUSNESS. Some people will experience these states as occasional glimmers of awareness. Some will move in and out of these states for various periods of time. Others will live in these states more or less continuously. Over the course of time, the level of consciousness will continue to rise, more and more people will be living their lives at the higher levels and the consciousness of collective will continue to go higher.

Another major hallmark of this new age will be a much fuller and richer awareness of the energetic and vibrational nature of all that is. Far more people than at present will possess expanded capabilities of insight, intuition, connectedness, and supersensory capacities. They will have a major impact on society by sharing their insights and extraordinary abilities with those around them. A far larger percentage of the human population than now will be at a level of consciousness that will enable them to work closely, harmoniously and cooperatively together (having far less of the impediments of rigid belief structures, ego-based fear, and competition), in a far more cohesive and unified manner than ever before. This will have a major impact, bringing greater peace on Earth. All of these together, will manifest in a new world, aligned with Divinity, where focused intention will ever more swiftly and easily manifest into the good that is envisioned and desired.

This message is a call to those who are at a higher level of consciousness to standup and join together; declaring and dedicating themselves in unity of heart and mind and action, to be of service to Divinity and to the ascension of human consciousness at this crucial point in the transformation of humanity. It is essential that we come together with high intention sharing our visions, joining in prioritizing, organizing, giving of our special resources and abilities and actively moving ahead in unity, leading the way for the rest of humanity. This is the time to let go of anything that would hold one back or that would prevent unity, and to press ahead to meet the high calling that we have received. This is why we are here on the Earth at this time.

People are tired of the old order (which is currently crumbling, due to its many inherent flaws), and are actively seeking for something new. This is the time for shedding and dismantling old dysfunctional forms and patterns and for creating new forms and patterns that are congruent with a higher state of consciousness. For this to occur sooner, rather than later, it is essential that we as light-workers, healers, mystics, seers, and spiritual teachers; those with professional business skills, those with monetary resources, and those with the abilities to communicate, organize, implement and execute, come together to share our visions, our priorities, our talents, our resources, and our dedicated actions with others of similar consciousness, and from there, share it with the whole of humanity. If it does not emerge from within us, from where will it come? Who else is better suited to teach and model new paradigms in this world?

In this new era, it will be understood that commerce and industry are not for the enrichment of a few top decision-makers, at the expense of the biosphere and the rest of humanity, but that the benefit and well-being of all, including the investors, managers, employees, customers, the wider society and the biosphere must be considered and honored. New structures must be put in place so that those with a hard-driving, aggressive, over-reaching nature will no longer be rewarded for the havoc and stress they create in their pursuit of wealth and personal power over others, and so that those with a more cooperative team-based attitude, who show evidence of being concerned for the greater good of all, will be rewarded with greater leadership opportunities. Emphasis must be placed on achieving and rewarding success in achieving long term gains that lead to great long-term benefit, instead of rewarding short-sighted gains that eventually self-destruct. It will be a high priority to develop work environments and processes that are designed to be conducive to the health and well-being of the employees and that place a high degree of emphasis on cooperation and the minimization of factors that lead to stress.

This does not mean that insight, enterprise and innovation should not be rewarded. Nor, is it intended to foster beliefs in scarcity or lack of abundance, which fail to understand the infinite nature of life. It merely means that just as good accounting practices are a necessary part of every business, that the concern for ethics, the good of humanity and all living things, and awareness of the spiritual aspects of life must also be a necessary part of every business and every other type of organization, and that this must be implemented in a manner that goes far beyond mere lip-service.

In this new era, there will be a greater awareness of the necessity for children to grow in ethical and spiritual awareness, just as much as we are currently concerned that they learn to read, write and do arithmetic. Many creative steps will be taken to nurture spiritual awareness in children. There will also be a greater awareness of the necessity of fully considering the spiritual and ethical aspects of life in law and government. Law-makers will seek out those who have great spiritual and ethical insight and continually invite and consider their insights as new laws are developed and implemented. Likewise, those who are spiritual will not stand still waiting to be asked, but will step forward and offer constructive plans and ideas and find ways to model them for the broader society. Science and business enterprises will seek people of great spiritual insight and especially those with special gifts for seeing across multiple dimensions, and will take their inputs into account, with the growing realization that the physical world is not separate from the spiritual dimensions and that physical matter, energy and consciousness are not separate, but part of a continuum. This will come to pass to the extent that spiritual people lift such a vision to the world and hold it high, and work continuously to demonstrate, model and implement the various aspects of it, until it becomes an integral part of all aspects of business and society.

A number of very powerful factors are converging to enable this great transformation. Some of them are what we might loosely call technical and others are what could be termed spiritual. Modern communications media are extremely powerful, enabling new ideas to pass into and permeate the collective consciousness very swiftly. We have seen how this has worked in the peaceful social uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. On the spiritual front, using the media, powerful spiritual teachers, teachings and spiritual practices are swiftly reaching out and touching and transforming millions of people.

Powerfully effective psychological and spiritual self-help practices, tools and techniques, such as “Emotional Freedom Technique,” Byron Katie’s “The Work,” and many other forms of highly effective self-improvement (including various meditation practices) are currently having a very transformative influence on millions of people, helping them release negative emotions and limiting and dysfunctional beliefs. They are playing a major role in the level of spiritual consciousness of a great number of people being raised at a more rapid rate than at any other time in human history.

Another tool that is exceptionally useful is the Spreadsheet of Consciousness, included herein. The Spreadsheet of Consciousness is like a GPS or road map for the spiritual traveler. It shows you the different levels of consciousness, gives you information about where you are, where to go next, and what you might want to avoid. Consider for a moment driving on a long journey without a map or GPS, compared to having a map or GPS. It takes much longer to arrive if you don’t have a clear idea of exactly where you are, where you are going, what’s just ahead, and how to get there. Being able to refer to the Spreadsheet of Consciousness is a great help.

The Spreadsheet of Consciousness has the capacity to help one tune to the higher spiritual levels, when one contemplates it for a few minutes. When the Spreadsheet of Consciousness is on the wall at home, school, or work it has a transforming effect, reminding everyone of their full potential and lifting their interactions to higher levels. If they temporarily drop to a lower level, its very presence helps them move back up to a higher level much more quickly. If widely used, it has a great capacity to assist in the transformation of human spiritual consciousness. The Spreadsheet of Consciousness has gone through multiple major revisions and expansions by multiple people. It was inspired by the notable work of Dr David Hawkins, whose Map of Consciousness is found in the book Power vs. Force.

Consciousness itself is a very important factor and powerful tool. Just being conscious of something (if the level of consciousness of the observer is at a very high level) can change or shift that which it touches, resulting in great transformation. As people’s levels of consciousness go higher, they become more aware of this tool and start to use it. At the higher levels of consciousness, insights, special gifts and abilities, unity of vision and action, and awareness of connection with the vast field of higher mind or intelligence come into play.

The energy field of those who are at a very high level of consciousness has a significant impact on everything around them. This completely shifts and transforms everything. It does not require everyone to become spiritual for the tipping-point to be reached. All of the above factors are so powerful that the tipping point for achieving the new world order will be reached long before most of humanity is fully aware that it has been reached.

In addition to all of the above, and arising from them, is a very powerful factor that deserves special attention. It is the capacity for new paradigms to be put into action, which will result in “order of magnitude changes and improvements” in various areas of human life and endeavor, transforming whole areas of business, culture and society and then rippling out further to transform other areas of human life and endeavor; just as the use of electricity has transformed almost every aspect of human life. Imagine what it would be like if not just one major order of magnitude improvement took place, but many order of magnitude transformations took place, perhaps 20 to a 100. That would most certainly change the world!

Many spiritual people have a great desire to be of great service and achieve great good in the world. They would willingly participate in projects designed to accomplish enormous benefit to humanity. Right now, there are those with great vision, who do not have the monetary resources to carry out their visions and ideas. There are those with great spiritual gifts, who are seeking ways to bring those gifts to those around them on a larger scale, but do not have the organizational structures that would support offering their gifts on a larger scale. There are those with great resources, who would love to invest in something that would be of great benefit to humanity, but are not aware that there are very high potential opportunities into which to invest. Likewise, there are those with great administrative, communications, technical and professional skills, who would delight in the opportunity to implement something that would truly uplift humanity. Achieving success, requires partnering with others to bring together all of the necessary facets required for success. For this to take place, there must be ways for individuals to come together to make known what they bring and to discover how what they offer can best fit with what others bring.

So, how does one find out what the new visions, ideas and paradigms are? How does one find out about high potential opportunities for bringing orders of magnitude benefit to humanity? How does one find the necessary combination of people and resources with which to join? How do teams of people identify high potential endeavors and begin implementing them?

To achieve the above, there must be forums for:
1. sharing visions, ideas, and paradigms;
2. identifying the opportunities and approaches that appear to have the greatest potential for providing great benefit to humanity;
3. enabling those with insight, talents, skills, funds and other resources to discover each other;
4. planning, developing and initiating the new projects, programs and enterprises that will bring orders of magnitude change (some of which will be done in phases, starting with things like research and small scale-proof of concept initiatives, which if effective would be followed be endeavors on a much larger scale).

To implement the required forums requires people who will own the vision, raise it high, and take action to bring those forums to the world. To accomplish this requires an initial organization, comprised of a few dedicated people with the vision, skills and funds to implement the forums. This new organization, intentionally birthed for the purpose of bringing people, visions, talents and resources together, is an example of the implementation of a new paradigm, with the potential to bring about a great transformation in the level of human spiritual consciousness, which will then lead to orders of transformation in many other aspects of human life and experience.

It is not that transformation will not happen anyway, but that if many people are in conscious cooperation and participation, as transformation is taking place, a fuller potential may be reached more quickly, smoothly, and harmoniously than if there is little or no conscious participation. One way to look at it is that often, to accomplish certain goals, it helps if everyone throws their weight in the same direction at the same time, with great synergy and harmony of action and intent. Another way to look at it is that when a great wave is rising, the experienced surfers are keenly aware of it and position themselves to ride it to the shore. If one is not aware and poised, the quality of the experience will be far different than if one is fully ready and taking action as the wave rises.

The remainder of this document identifies the “order of magnitude paradigms, opportunities and endeavors” that appear most fruitful for those of higher spiritual consciousness to come together to achieve. It also identifies important insights and practices that will enable the new opportunities to be achieved synergistically, harmoniously, swiftly and effectively.

This is merely the introduction. Many additional pages have already been written, expressing specific paradigms and high potential opportunities and pointing out those things that would enable their accomplishment. Your interest and participation is welcome.

Please email if you:
• are interested in reading what has been written to date or contributing to new content;
• want to receive a digital version of this document that you can forward to other people;
• are interested in being informed about upcoming forums and/or receiving invitations;
• wish to share information about your specific ideas, talents, skills or resources;
• wish to support and participate in the organization that will implement the first forums;
• wish to receive digital copies of the newest version of the Spreadsheet of Consciousness;
• wish to schedule David Winfree to speak or teach about this vision and/or about topics pertaining to Higher Spiritual Consciousness

You may make donations to the implementation of this vision via the donation button at . Gifts given for this purpose will go toward the communication and implementation of the vision stated herein.

Coming Together For The Transformation of Humanity

The Key to Success - The key to achieving the vision is to bring together people who are at a high level of consciousness, with the right mix of capabilities and resources that will complement each other; help them identify great opportunities; and give them ongoing insight, support and guidance as they join together to manifest orders of magnitude transformation.

It is essential for those of higher consciousness to begin to hold forums and network with each other for the specific purpose of coming together to achieve order of magnitude transformations in the world. New organizations will emerge out of these networks and forums and will blossom into the various aspects of a new era. There will be great entrepreneurial opportunities for implementing new insights and innovations, new products and services, and new social and business structures into the socioeconomic fabric of the society

First Stage - The first stage of the transformation of humanity will be the establishment of new human networks, channels of communication, and forums dedicated to bringing ideas, talent, and resources together, which will then lead to the implementation of orders of magnitude improvements. These types of activities constitute a form of commerce and those who are at the forefront will reap significant rewards. This stage provides the foundation for the second stage.

Second Stage - Great opportunities to transform the world will be perceived. Where there is sufficient synergy and synchronicity, new ventures will begin to be implemented and flourish immediately. Seed money will be found and projects will take off. This stage will spearhead the first advances that will begin to engender widespread public attention. Those who participate in this stage will bring about great transformation and will reap great rewards.

Third Stage - Some of the order of magnitude improvements will require greater planning, preparation, and development before they can be fully implemented. This will include research and the development of seed beds, incubators and prototypes to demonstrate and prove the value of new paradigms, which will then lead to the large scale implementation of new solutions, products, and services. This stage will require significant venture capital investments and will often require partnering between multiple organizations to bring together all that will be required for successful implementation. This stage will take longer to come to full fruition than the first two stages, but those who focus on this stage will bring about the greatest degree of transformation and reap the greatest rewards.

Financial Aspects - There are great opportunities for those with high levels of spiritual consciousness and great spiritual gifts to take on much more visible and highly valued roles, at the front and center of society, instead of being on the periphery, where many of them have been up to now. In this regard, they will be financially rewarded in accord with the value that they bring to the whole of humanity. This does not mean that they will be overpaid or given excessive rewards. It means that they will be compensated fairly and proportionately, according to the value that they bring and the roles that they play for the greater good of humanity.

Money is an important enabling resource for achieving great benefits. The ventures spoken of herein will be funded in two ways. First is philanthropic funding. The second is angel and venture capital, entrepreneurial funding. All of these are important. It is fair and reasonable for the investors who provide monetary resources, to accomplish orders of magnitude good for humanity, to be adequately and generously recognized and rewarded for providing those resources. The same is true for those who conduct implementation and those who bring ideas. Receiving an ample and fair return, not just scraping by is important, in spiritual work, as with anything else. Profits are a form of appreciation for value provided. They enable people, ventures and enterprises to continue in a stable manner. Ample financial return nurtures and empowers gifted people and organizations to continue to work and create to their fullest capacity. It becomes the funding for new ventures that will generate even greater benefits for humanity; benefits that will result in everyone’s piece of the pie growing larger, as the whole pie grows larger.

It is important that in the new ventures, which will bring order of magnitude transformation and benefits to humanity, that those who provide vision and ideas, those who provide funding, those who communicate and coordinate, those who bring special skills and talents, and those who implement on a day-to-day basis, all receive ample recognition and reward in proportion to the value that they bring, in the knowledge that all that is achieved is achieved via the efforts of many.

It is important to recognize, nurture and enhance that which generates great benefit or which has a significant hand in generating great benefits. It is important for human beings to begin to recognize this precept on a much expanded basis. Recognition, appreciation, nurture, and reward must begin to expand beyond the immediate legally defined team, group, or company at the time of some final success. There must be a concept of profit/surplus not being tightly held within an arbitrarily defined group, project or business, but of being shared more widely and fairly, especially with all who played a significant role in bringing the great benefits to fruition. Those who made open-hearted donations of time, ideas, funds and resources in the early stages and those who helped out for much of the way, or for part of the way, should be given consideration, recognition, appreciation and fair and reasonable reward.

We are all one family. In the “divine economy” of the new age, this premise should be integrated in all that is done. To be able to engage and work with others knowing that one is part of a family and that one will always be held in that regard is an important paradigm for the advancement of humanity. It allows talented individuals to give and act unselfishly because they know that their contributions will not go unrecognized and unrewarded and that they will be welcomed, honored, blessed, remembered and be well-taken-care-of throughout life’s changing circumstances.

Traditional competitive business models have their pros and cons. One of the pros is to try to hatch many eggs and not put all of those eggs in one basket, with the expectation that those that hatch, survive, and thrive will receive rewards and those that do not will become losses. This enables ideas to be tested, so that hopefully the best ones will rise to the top. At least this is the theory. The major problems with this are that there is much wasted effort, many well meaning and hard working people may incur financial losses, if their eggs don’t hatch or are in the wrong baskets, and unforeseeable factors may arise that result in some good eggs not hatching or in some mediocre eggs being disproportionately rewarded.

In a future economy, in which there is greater communication, openness, and joint planning across all levels of society (including sharing of information between businesses), where the main goal is the greater good of all, and it is recognized that we are all one family, it will still be feasible to hatch many eggs and not put them all into the same basket, via a greater degree of benevolent cooperation between companies. To accomplish this requires that the businesses and investments of the future be built on a new paradigm, where a primary goal is the dissemination of great benefits to many, and not solely the accumulation of great profits for a few. For this to take place, it is necessary for spiritual investors to begin to place money into businesses that are built on this model. As Jesus, said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” It is time for spiritual people to walk their talk. If one truly desires a new world, one should be willing to help fund it, birth it, and implement it.

New Business Models and Investment Paradigms - One of the paradigms for accomplishing the initial funding for all the above will be to communicate the concept of a new investment sector. Most people are aware of the major investment sectors, such as technology, energy, transportation, commodities and so on. In recent years, various specialty sectors have become recognized. Some of these sectors focus on companies that are touted to be ethical, green (environmentally friendly), minority-owned, socially responsible, or inclusive of people with diverse sexual orientations. Another recognized sector in which some people invest is “vice funds”, such as cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and gambling. People invest in different types of funds for diversification or because certain funds match their own values and interests. Often, the reason for investing is not purely for making the highest investment returns possible or to diversify, but to make a statement or support a cause. So if there is a place for all of the above, why not a sector for a new breed of companies, which focus on uplifting human spiritual consciousness?

There is need for a new “Spiritual Dimensions” investment sector. This sector will be made up of companies that have a stated purpose of facilitating spiritual transformation through their products and services and/or nurturing an awareness of the spiritual dimensions in all of the workings of the company and/or for raising the spiritual consciousness of society. In other words, they conduct all of the aspects of their business from a perspective of spiritual awareness or for the express purpose of achieving some degree of spiritual transformation in individuals or society via the use of their products or services. These businesses will seek to make a healthy profit, but making money is not their highest goal. As more and more people begin to put 1% to 20% of their investment portfolio into such funds, there will be a great transformative shift toward the spiritual, with regard to how business is conducted in our society.

Of course, it will take such time to gain broad recognition of such a sector. In the beginning, angel capital, philanthropic gifts and venture capital will make up most of the funding. None-the-less, it is important to start bringing the paradigm of a Spiritual Dimensions Sector into common parlance.


The Opportunity - Orders of Magnitude Institute (OM) is the lead organization for the manifestation of the vision provided herein. It carries, communicates and nurtures the vision and guides the manifestation of the vision. The OM management team is comprised of those with a high level of consciousness, who are aware of: 1) the levels of consciousness; 2) the trajectory of human spiritual transformation; and 3) the trajectory of the resultant transformations and benefits in the major aspects of human life.

This management team brings gifted people, funding, and other essential resources together, identifies the highest benefit opportunities and provides guidance, consultation and a wide-range of resources and assistance to new ventures that desire to accomplish “orders of magnitude” good for humanity, regarding the implementation of new for-profit and not-for-profit enterprises, programs, and projects. It also provides consultation to existing for-profit and not-for-profit businesses that desire to implement new paradigms that are expressive of a higher level of spiritual consciousness. OM creates separate business divisions and/or spins-off new enterprises as synergistic opportunities arise. It simultaneously observes and guides vertically and horizontally across multiple levels and across multiple aspects of human society. A major focus will be to help individuals and societies recognize the different levels of consciousness and provide appropriate and effective insight, organization, infrastructure and other assist to those at different levels to move higher.

David Winfree conceptualized OM and wrote the Divine Manifesto. Another person who has been closely associated with OM, since the time of its inception is Cristo L Bowers. OM is actively compiling information relevant to “orders of magnitude” opportunities; people with synergistic vision, skills and talents; funding sources; and other essential resources. OM uses this information to help people with complementary goals, skills, interests, and resources to find each other. Throughout the 2012, OM is sponsoring a series of symposiums and forums people to join, learn, share, see opportunities and begin working together.

If you have a strong interest in being informed of OM meetings and events, desire to meet and join with like-minded people, want to be kept informed of emerging opportunities, or if you have talents, funds or other resources that you would like to contribute to these endeavors, please contact David Winfree at:

The Business Opportunity – Being at the leading edge of great transformation, serving as a clearing house for ideas, people and resources and having the capacity to bring together all of the necessary components to start and support new business ventures will present a host of wonderful new business opportunities. Being an active participant in OM, a close collaborator, or a friend of this organization, will maximize one’s opportunities to contribute to orders of magnitude transformation and will greatly enhance one’s opportunities for reaping financial rewards, as an active participant in OM or as a close associate of OM.


You are invited to join with others in the conscious transformation of our world.

The time is now!

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