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My teaching approach is a bit different than that of most other teachers of higher consciousness of whom I am aware.   Those who attend my sessions are encouraged to focus on the resonance more than on the specific words that are being spoken.  The resonance guides participants into higher states of consciousness.   When some TRUTH or KNOWINGESS is radiating forth, the speaking may pause for a few seconds or for several minutes.  This is an opportunity for those who attend to tune in and immerse themselves in the radiance of that experience.  When I speak of one of the DIVINE aspects, such as POTENTIAL, JOY, BEINGNESS, ONENESS, or ALLNESS, there is an opportunity to experience it as it radiates within and around you.

Some people go into deep meditation as soon as I start speaking.  Other people benefit by listening to the intellectual content of what is being said regarding how to successfully navigate through life from a spiritual perspective and go ever higher in the midst of life’s unfolding.  Some sessions contain more speaking and others contain more periods of silent mediation.   In general, I do not plan or know in advance what will take place.  I am open to what arises in consciousness in the moment.  That which arises in consciousness comes from a space, far beyond ordinary thought, and takes into account and expresses that which is of greatest overall benefit for those present in that moment. 

Most sessions contain some inspirational teaching and guidance for how to release attachments and experience higher consciousness in the midst of everyday life.  Sometimes there are guided meditations and opportunities to ask questions and receive answers.  Other times there may be music, movement, and various exercises and activities to enhance the perception of BEAUTY and ONENESS.  Sometimes blessings are offered.  There is no sharp division between the teaching, meditating and other aspects of a session.  Each flows into the others and back again, serving as springboards enabling the participants to move into deep meditation, see things from new perspectives, and to resolve, harmonize, heal, release and dissolve a wide variety of personal issues and concerns.  All of it taken together provides an unfolding experience that is conducive to moving to higher levels of consciousness during the session and during everyday life.  Participants are encouraged to tune into whichever aspects of these sessions they find most uplifting.

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I am now available to conduct speaking and teaching engagements, workshops, and retreats.  Content of teaching sessions includes:

          +    Releasing Attachments

          +    Seeing Things Differently

          +    Essential Tools for Spiritual Transformation

          +    Going Deeper in Meditation

          +    Understanding the Levels of Consciousness

          +    Multi-Modality Music, Motion, and Meditation

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I have written several documents on various aspects of higher consciousness.  I initially made these available to a small number of people, many of whom have found these writings to be very valuable in their journey toward ever higher levels of consciousness. 

Some of my writings are now available on my website.   I will frequently add fresh material.  Some of the longer manuscripts are now available for download.  They will eventually be compiled and published in traditional book format.  I am making them available in the form of downloadable e-book files, for those who wish to read them now.  Proceeds from the sale of these manuscripts help to support my continued writing, teaching and other services. Recordings of my teaching and meditations will soon be available.  Click here to see what is currently available for download and what is coming soon.


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At certain points on the path of awakening, it helps to have some direct interaction with someone who has an ongoing experience of higher consciousness.  I provide this to those who seek it.

There is nothing keeping you from higher consciousness.  There is no great barrier.  The higher levels of consciousness exist as part of your overall consciousness and you have the capacity to experience them.  So, what keeps one from being at the highest levels? 

Let’s imagine that you wish the experience of going to the top of a high mountain and enjoying the exquisite view.  You start to climb, but it is quite a struggle.  Someone comes along and suggests that it would be so much easier to get to the top, if you released the 962 large backpacks, stuffed with heavy objects, which you have strapped onto you.

He points to one of the largest, and say “Why don’t you start by releasing that.  (Even some of the most dysfunctional baggage may seem so profoundly meaningful that for the moment it appears that one is being asked to give up something of great value.)  Your immediate reaction is, “Oh no! Not My Precious! I can’t give that up!”  You then patiently explain that each backpack contains the cherished opinions, belief systems, personal preferences, judgments, misperceptions, fears and other mental patterns and emotions that you have collected over the course of time.  But, you get the point of the recommendation that was just made and release 2 of the heavy objects and start climbing again with only 960, and your load seems a little lighter.  If you were to release them all at once, you would float upward and find yourself immediately on top of the mountain.

Most people do not release all of their baggage at once.  They become aware of one heavy object and work to get it untangled and release it.  Then they become aware of another and so on. 

It helps to have the insight, perspective and resonance of someone who is experienced in identifying and releasing such things.  With their assistance you more quickly see what needs to be released and why it is not helpful to keep it and you begin to let go more willingly and gracefully.  The heavy weights begin to quickly fall away and you find yourself moving up the mountain with much more ease and lightness.  Another way of saying it is that as the clouds of misperception are cleared away the Sun shines through.

If you are at a point where mentoring would be beneficial to you, contact me.

Mentoring can take place by phone, email, or in person.

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I usually spend a portion of each day in study, mediation, prayer and blessings. 

This is a very important service.  It is important to continually focus ever higher.

If I go higher, then everything around me goes higher.  This is also true for all of you.  When you go higher, that which is around you will go higher.  If that which is near you is not willing or ready to go higher, you will generally tend to gravitate away from it or it will gravitate away from you.

Blessings are very important for your own spiritual growth and for the good of those around you.   A very important part of my service to others is offering blessings.  Blessings can indeed be transmitted or conveyed.  The nature of ALL BEING within the ONE, is that the willingness to hold the other in mind with the intention for their highest good, results in mutual good for both the one that blesses and the one that is blessed, for there is no separation.  The intention to bless arises from within the dynamic wholeness, knowingness and lovingness of the ONE; potentializing, energizing, conveying, and manifesting both the arising of the intention to bless; the blessing as it arises in the knowingness of that which offers the blessing; and the blessing as it radiates forth in and about that which is blessed.  The one who is willing to bless others -- serving as an open and willing channel intending, participating, affirming and witnessing to the DIVINE ABUNDANCE, LOVE, EXPANSIVENESS and GOOD WILL in each blessing offered -- is blessed in every blessing sent. 

I am a BLESSING. It is what I am.  It is my true nature. Awake each day in the knowledge that you are a living, walking, talking BLESSING to everyone you meet.  Be the LIGHT that you are!

If you have some person or circumstance that you would like to have blessed, you may send it to me.  You do not need to go into great detail.   Just state the essence.  Higher Intelligence knows all of the details.  In conveying blessings, I am not asking for any specific results that you or I, in our limited knowledge might prefer.  The blessing is for the highest ultimate good for that person or situation, which is not separate from the highest good of ALL.

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Not everyone is focused on reaching higher states of consciousness.  Many people just need help with very painful or difficult problems and obstacles.

When flat on the ground, with one’s face pressed into the dirt, one has a different view than when one is standing up.  If you climb up to the top of your house, you can look out in all directions and see much further than when you are standing in the middle of your yard.  If you go to the top of a nearby mountain you can see even further.  You will see the house far below and everything around it.  You may even look out and see what is on the other side of the mountain.

As one experiences higher levels of consciousness, one has a better sense of proportion and a broader perspective, enabling one to see more clearly the relationships between the various things around you and how they fit together. From a higher perspective, you start to see potential pathways around the things that you used to perceive as obstacles.  Things that seemed to be problems when far down in the valley, no longer seem that way. 

The change of perspective that is experienced when you go higher is what David Hawkins calls “recontextualization.”  It is what A Course In Miracles calls “being willing to see things differently”.  When one is willing to see things differently, one suddenly starts to see new possibilities.  Problems suddenly transform into opportunities.  Obstacles seem to dissolve. 

Many kinds of pain and suffering arise due to emotional attachments and blockages, misperceptions, erroneous judgments and rigid belief systems. These result not just in mental and emotional suffering, but may also result in disharmony and dis-ease in the physical body.  To see things differently -- to let go of attachments, dysfunctional beliefs, and negative emotions requires letting go of the way one has seen and believed things to be, right up to this point in time.  The act of letting go requires willingness.  Sometimes it seems that one just can’t find the willingness to let go of old ways of thinking and feeling about things.  One who has not had much practice in releasing things may not even be aware of how to begin to let go, or even be able to conceive that such an option could exist.

Since my awakening, the most valuable gift or service that I bring to others is the DIVINE PRESENCE that expresses in me, through me and around me.  I am an aspect of the OCEAN at play.  I am a wave that knows that it is not separate from the OCEAN.  I perceive the OCEAN within me.  I perceive others as WAVES within the OCEAN and I perceive myself and all other WAVES as being aspects of the WHOLE. The DIVINE PRESENCE intends, loves, and expresses through me.  The awareness and knowingness of DIVINITY, my TRUE NATURE, the CHRIST SELF, resonates within me and within others. 

The energetic signature of the experiencing of higher states of consciousness and the knowingness and understanding that arises in the experiencing of those higher states resonates in the field(s) around me; both in that which you take to be your energetic field and your consciousness and in that which you perceive to be mine.  Since there is no separation, there is always a merging and overlapping of energy and vibration.  That which you perceive as you is not separate from me and that which you perceive as me is not separate from you.  The same SELF that is in you and in me is the same SELF that is in ALL THAT IS. 

As Dr. David Hawkins frequently states in his books and videos, the greatest thing that you can do to uplift the universe, yourself, and others is to raise your own level of consciousness.  When you see your own Divinity, you begin to see Divinity in others, and realize that it is not separate from your own.  Paraphrasing Rumi -- Beyond all conflicting points of view, notions of right and wrong, and beyond all thought of separation is a FIELD.  I will meet you there.

It is the DIVINE PRESENCE that influences ongoing transformation at every level.  The resonance of the knowingness that results when transcendence to higher levels of consciousness takes place also radiates a powerful transformational influence. People find it much easier to identify what needs to be released, and then go on to actually release it, when they are tuned to the DIVINE PRESENCE or experience being in the field and resonance of the knowingness that has experienced, proclaims and points to great release, transformation, and transcendence.  In that PRESENCE and knowingness they are lifted to a higher level of consciousness than the one at which they generally operate.  From that higher place they can see further.  From that higher perspective they can actually begin to see things differently.   They are enabled to tune in to and benefit from the more powerful energetic fields, which are intrinsic aspects of each higher level of consciousness.  Being in a more powerful energy field helps lift them out of whatever rut or low place they are in, helps them release attachments and misperceptions that are holding them down, empowers them to make new decisions and energizes them to step forth in new directions and to live life at a higher level of consciousness that in the past. 

You might ask, could they not do this on their own, by opening to the DIVINITY within themselves.  The answer is both yes and no.  Some are able to do just this. Others are just not in the space, willingness, understanding or vibration of being open to doing this on their own.  Although they may not yet perceive the DIVINE within themselves, they may be willing to open to the DIVINITY that they perceive in someone else, which enables them to make contact with the DIVINITY in them.  DIVINITY is not rigid, but flexible.  DIVINITY tends to come to our assistance in the ways we are most open to receive it.

Part of my service to others is to meet with individuals for the purpose of helping them identify, release and move beyond the obstacles that are holding them down.  Sometimes energy appears to radiate within me or flow through me to others.  I do not consider this to be my energy.  I consider it to arise from the ONENESS and I perceive it to be transmitted and applied by some intelligence other than my own.  I do not seek to control it.  I am merely open to it.


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   Dave has a unique


   ability to draw our


   awareness into the


   realm of Spirit.



   His teachings can


   guide the healing


   of any spiritual wound,


   no matter how deep


   the wound.



   There are so many


   people seeking his


   teachings that without


   a doubt, he is a


   guide for meeting


   the Divine within.



   I use his teachings


   daily, as he taught me


   the importance of


   mindfulness, which


   was a pivotal point


   in my ability to feel


   close to Spirit.



   I can't think of anything


   more important.



   There is nothing


   more important.



   Thank you, Dave.



   Love Karen

















































   There was a time

   when I had a

   desperate longing

   for God.


   Why couldn't I feel

   God's presence and

   why didn't  I feel

   closer to God?


   Dave Winfree helped me

   realize God was always

   right here, in and all

   around me.  He helped

   me see God's presence

   at all times, regardless

   of any "outside" situations,

   letting me know I am part

   of Him!  


   Now, I can pick any

   and many quiet moments

   during the day or night

   and feel the presence

   of God always.  

   This helps raise my

   consciousness, too.

      What a gift!

      Love and Light,   
